*Danielle Mai
My name is Danielle Mai, I joined Mai Dreams Group about 4 years ago when the universe aligned and my old job came to an end and my fiancé needed a new

assistant and I decided to try it out and help him to see how I liked it. Turns out I loved it and we loved working together and as they say - the rest is history! I have been a licensed Realtor for just over 4 years now and continue to grow and learn every day.
My previous jobs were all in Healthcare and I had been in that field for over 10 years. There were many things I loved and hated about my old career, but helping people was why I got into that field in the first place and the reason I went to work every day. There were things that were hard in that career though – the shiftwork, the nightshifts, the stress of seeing bad things happen to people day in and day out. I knew I wanted to be in a career where I still got the satisfaction of helping people, but in a different setting where I didn’t see as much pain every day. Real estate has let me fill my need to help people and bring joy to so many families through finding them houses and helping them create a home.
Healthcare taught me so many skills that I’ve brought over to my work in real estate - working well under stress, attention to details, and working with many different types of people and situations. Real estates has helped me grow these skills and learn so many more.
Francis is great at what he does – he is out on the front lines, negotiating and getting the best price possible is where he thrives. When I came into the business, I came to support him so he can be out with the clients where he needs to be. My skill set is to grease the machine in the background and make sure all the T’s are crossed. I love making sure everything is organized and all the paperwork is done properly, I love getting to know the clients and their families and planning fun client events and being able to buy personalized client gifts I know they will love. I am the backline that make sure Francis and Austin are free to be present with the clients knowing everything else is taken care of.
I love that I now get to wake up every day and help people fulfill their dreams – and I get to do that alongside the love of my life who continues to teach me more and more about this business.
When I am not helping families find their perfect homes, you can usually find me in my garden, spending time with my dog Wilson or kayaking. One of my favorite things to do is to thrift and my perfect Saturday would be spent walking through thrift stores with a hot latte looking for a treasure or good deal.
Francis and I now have two beautiful daughters that we have welcomed into the world, I am excited to see where life will take us and am so grateful for a career where I can balance mom life with work life and see our family grow alongside our clients who always become friends.
E: mairealtorgroup@gmail.com